The 2012 elections returned President Obama to the White House, and Democrats continue to control the Senate. But Republicans still control the House, and we see more attacks on those who are struggling, more votes to repeal Affordable Health Care, more attacks on women's reproductive rights, more stand offs over budgets; one crisis after another.

Therefore, 2014 Starts Now! We can't let 2010 happen next year. Read more HERE!

Find Your State Here!

2014 Starts Now is dedicated to providing basic, continuing information on federal and state elections in the 50 states in advance of the 2014 mid-term elections.  

Each state has a page,  which you can link to below, which includes a short summary of the challenges and opportunities for that state, both in the federal Congress and at the state level.  Each page also includes links to the most recent news involving that state.  

If you are more concerned with the Senate, you can find a summary of the Senate situation with state-by-state Senate information HERE, at our Keep the Senate Blue! page with Senate information.

If you are wondering if and how the House can be turned Blue come 2014, you can find a summary of the House situation with state-by-state House information HERE, at our Turn Congress Blue! page with information about the House of Representatives.

(Under construction; all state links are now live, with news updates for several states.  Initial information will be added for each state by the second week of August 2013.) 

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