The 2012 elections returned President Obama to the White House, and Democrats continue to control the Senate. But Republicans still control the House, and we see more attacks on those who are struggling, more votes to repeal Affordable Health Care, more attacks on women's reproductive rights, more stand offs over budgets; one crisis after another.

Therefore, 2014 Starts Now! We can't let 2010 happen next year. Read more HERE!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Today's Updates: Tuesday, August 6, 2013

From John Cuneo at the Atlantic
  • Florida House: When I read the following story, I first thought the guy was a STATE representative. Usually the Congressional Republicans aren't quite as ... ignorant. (But then I guess I'm forgetting Michelle Bachmann, Allen West, and a few others that have (or are) gracing our halls of Congress.) But, no, Ted Yoho (Florida - 3rd) is a CongressCritter from that great state of Florida. He is a brand new Tea Party CongressCritter which is probably why I hadn't heard of him.  The Atlantic had an interesting profile of Yoho, a large animal veterinarian, HERE.

    He says
    the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCares) is racist... because it includes a tax on tanning salons. And, since dark skinned people don't need to tan, they will never pay the tax. The only people, therefore, who will pay the tax are light skinned people, usually Caucasian. Um.. now, no one forces any of us light skinned types to sit our butts down in a tanning salon, do they? I don't have any intention of paying a tanning salon tax no matter how white I happen to be.. because I can't imagine roasting myself like a hot dog.  In any event, Yoho thinks that all of ObamaCares is racist due to this particular tax. 

    My friend
    Rob Sobel at the Examiner also mentions that this yoyo Yoho is planning on introducing some kind of birther bill in an attempt to get President Obama out of office. Great. Let's waste more of the taxpayer's money that these Teapeople claim to be so concerned about.

    Here's more about that, from
    Salon:  "(Yoho) told constituents at a town hall meeting that though he thinks questions about President Obama’s birth certificate are mostly a “distraction,” he is supporting legislation to investigate further because if it is true, “we can get rid of everything he’s done.” And something about freedom: "in order to have freedom, you have to have economic freedom,” and “if it is true [that Obama wasn't born in the United States], it’s illegal, he shouldn’t be there and we can get rid of everything he’s done, and I said I agree with that.”  Huh?  

    When are the people of this country going to wise up and stop sending these racist, extremist whack jobs to Congress?

    This district is definitely not one to be targeted by Democrats. Even a Republican as off-the-wall and extreme as this guy won his central Florida district by 65 to 32%. So we'll move on.

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