Found HERE at Facebook:
Though the following was written regarding Texas, it is true for all red/purple states and red districts:
"Absolutely! We need to turn it all Blue. Elections have BIG Consequences. Get out the Vote!
We ALL know that ALEC is the root source of most of the insane things going on in our government. Great. WHAT is the solution? Just exactly HOW do "WE the People" fix this?
1. Become a DVR.
2. Register voters.
3. Educate voters.
4. Motivate voters.
Motivating the apathetic Dem base has traditionally been near impossible.
Historically, the key Demos do not vote during mid-term elections. If this holds true in 2014, we are screwed. We MUST be visible in our communities. We must be a bit of a nuisance, making calls, and follow-up calls. Then follow-up with another reminder call. We have to connect the dots for the voter and make it RELEVANT to his/her life. The apathetic voter must be educated on what "Elections Have Consequences" really means to them personally. No easy task.
Have YOU volunteered with your County Dem Party or local club? Have YOU signed up to volunteer with Battleground Texas? Have YOU become a DVR in your County? If not, what are you waiting for? BGTX is calling on the phone looking for volunteers to help with local voter registration drives.
We who are here on FB, reading this, already know what's up. When I'm speaking with y'all, I'm preaching to the choir. It is incumbent upon each of us reading this message, to take this information off the computer, out your front door, and implement these strategies in your neighborhood and community, where you send your kids to school, where you grocery shop, where you go to work, where you go to church,...where you live and breathe.
This is how WE the People take back control of our country. This is how WE stop ALEC. This is how WE TURN TEXAS BLUE!!! Not in 2016, 2018, or 2020. But 2014!!! YES WE CAN!!! SI SE PUEDE!!! "
Historically, the key Demos do not vote during mid-term elections. If this holds true in 2014, we are screwed. We MUST be visible in our communities. We must be a bit of a nuisance, making calls, and follow-up calls. Then follow-up with another reminder call. We have to connect the dots for the voter and make it RELEVANT to his/her life. The apathetic voter must be educated on what "Elections Have Consequences" really means to them personally. No easy task.
Have YOU volunteered with your County Dem Party or local club? Have YOU signed up to volunteer with Battleground Texas? Have YOU become a DVR in your County? If not, what are you waiting for? BGTX is calling on the phone looking for volunteers to help with local voter registration drives.
We who are here on FB, reading this, already know what's up. When I'm speaking with y'all, I'm preaching to the choir. It is incumbent upon each of us reading this message, to take this information off the computer, out your front door, and implement these strategies in your neighborhood and community, where you send your kids to school, where you grocery shop, where you go to work, where you go to church,...where you live and breathe.
This is how WE the People take back control of our country. This is how WE stop ALEC. This is how WE TURN TEXAS BLUE!!! Not in 2016, 2018, or 2020. But 2014!!! YES WE CAN!!! SI SE PUEDE!!! "
Note: I attempt to find and credit all sources of photos, memes, quotes that I reproduce at this site, but sometimes it is impossible. If you see a photo, article, or meme that is yours, please contact me and we will either remove the article/photo or credit it to you as you wish.
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ReplyDeleteMiddle Molly you ROCK! Dianne Wing aka Ilene Leftwing :-)
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